Sunday, March 9, 2014

Same Sex Marriage Cartoons

Same Sex Marriage Cartoons

These political cartoons illustrate support for marriage equality.  In the 54 cartoons, there was a variety of focuses, ranging from refuting the opposing argument and the justice in gay marriage.  Although some were repetitive, many were witty illustrations that made a lot of sense.  Several focused on the sanctity of marriage, the hypocrisy of the opposing argument, and Obama's stance on the issue.

I have always enjoyed political cartoons and the satire used to convey political points.  So naturally, I enjoyed this collection of cartoons.  I thought the cartoons made many good points mainly that the argument against gay marriage does not hold any water.  Gay marriage does not threaten the sanctity of marriage any more than divorce or nontraditional marriage threaten conventionalism.  The religious aspect also has no ground saying that "God says its yucky" while eloquently put, is not accurate and is not an argument although it does encapsulate the basic position of the religious justification.  The religious argument is truly hypocritical as condemning a group of people is the opposite of the loving God christians believe in.  Most importantly, several cartoons make the point that marriage equality is the only just thing to do.

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